The Game Changer for Body Contouring: Emsculpt
Traditionally body contouring procedures were almost always surgical procedures. Tummy Tucks, liposuction, and abdominoplasty were some of the most common procedures to handle issues with excess fat around the abdomen. Meanwhile, patients looking to transform other areas of their body might have used fat grafting or even a Brazilian Butt Lift. But many patients are not entirely comfortable with surgery. For starters, it can be very expensive, recovery can take a long time, and some worry the look won’t appear natural. That is where non-surgical procedures like EMSCULPT come in.
What is Emsculpt?
Emsculpt is the first device to build muscle and sculpt your body. Through the high intensity electromagnetic therapy procedure one can enlarge current muscles, as well as grow new muscle fibers. The Emsculpt procedure is currently FDA cleared to treat your abdominals, buttocks, arms, calves and thighs. A great non-surgical alternative to the Brazilian butt lift. Emsculpt has been clinically tested for safety and efficacy through seven independent US-based clinical studies. In fact, on average, the following results were achieved in clinical studies on healthy patients:
• 19% reduction of fat
• 4 cm (~1.5 inches) loss in waistline circumference
• 16% increase in muscle mass
• 11% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (called diastasis recti)
• 5x increase in fat metabolism (apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% after treatment)
• 80% patients with visible lifting effect of buttocks
• 96% patient satisfaction
Who is a candidate for Emsculpt?
The major benefits of this treatment include increasing muscle mass, fat burning, boosting metabolism, aids injury recovery, and prevention. Men and women who are seeking any of these benefits may be good Emsculpt candidates. Emsculpt might be right for you if:
You are suffering from diastasis recti – Emsculpt is an effective treatment for diastasis recti and has been shown to reduce gaps by up to 11% in the abdominal muscles caused by this condition. Diastasis recti is most commonly known as a condition that affects women who have given birth, but this condition can also be caused by significant weight changes, certain surgeries, or lifting heavy objects incorrectly and can affect both men and women. It is important to note that Emsculpt is not recommended for women during pregnancy.
You enjoy a healthy lifestyle – Current athletes or those who are interested in jumpstarting a new fitness routine can benefit from Emsculpt. Those who continue to exercise the muscle groups that have been targeted through Emsculpt tend to see the longest-lasting results. This treatment can help patients build a firm foundation and strengthen muscles they may be having difficulty working on their own. Emsculpt is not a replacement for working out but rather works best when used in conjunction with regular physical exercise and a healthy diet.
You are recovering certain injuries or looking to avoid injury – Emsculpt works well as a supplement to physical therapy and can be a great way for athletes as well as everyday people to rebuild muscles after certain injuries. Whether you’re getting back to working out after a hiatus or transitioning to a new exercise program, changing up your fitness routine can make you more prone to injury. Emsculpt helps strengthen core muscle groups, such as the abdomen, that are used to maintain stability through a myriad of exercises.
You are Seeking alternative to plastic surgery – People who are looking for a butt lift or want to tone and tighten their muscles but do not want scars may be good Emsculpt candidates. This non-invasive treatment does not require anesthesia and there’s no lengthy recovery period like those associated with butt implants, tummy tuck, or liposuction procedures.
You have a busy schedule – As we mentioned previously, Emsculpt treatments require no pre-treatment preparations and there’s no downtime afterward. Emsculpt is a great choice for people looking to burn fat and build muscle without disrupting their schedule or taking time off of work.
You are looking to boost metabolism – In addition to building muscle tissue, Emsculpt boosts metabolism. The results of clinical studies showed a five-time increase in fat metabolism (apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% post-treatment) in patients who underwent Emsculpt treatments.
This treatment is not recommended for women who are pregnant or who have an implanted metal IUD (intra-uterine device for birth control). In addition, emsculpt is not safe for people who have implanted metal devices (such as a pacemaker) or metal pieces (such as screws, rods, or plates) inside their body.
How does Emsculpt work?
EMSCULPT is based on high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy. A single EMSCULPT session causes thousands of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of your muscles.
These powerful induced muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions. The muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme conditions. It responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and sculpting your body.
What happens during and after the procedure?
Each Emsculpt treatment lasts 30 minutes. Typically, 4-6 treatments spread out over a couple of weeks are recommended to achieve optimal results. Patients do not need to do anything to prepare for treatments ahead of time and they can return to their normal activities immediately afterward. This treatment can even be done over a lunch break to fit into busy work schedules. Maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and including protein in your diet can be essential while you are burning fat and increasing muscle mass.
During treatment sessions, the Emsculpt device paddles are placed on top of the muscle group being targeted and secured with a band that wraps around the body. Patients do not need to completely disrobe. For treatments targeting the buttocks and calves, patients may lie face down on a table and for treatments targeting the thighs, abdomen, biceps, or triceps they may lie face up.
The Emsculpt device stimulates three phases of contractions that gradually increase in intensity based on what the patient can comfortably tolerate. Many patients enjoy listening to music, playing games on their phone, or reading a book during sessions. Tingling sensations similar to a foot falling asleep are normal during treatments and should pass quickly.
What should you expect after the procedure?
You may begin to feel the results immediately after Emsculpt. These will be small changes, like posture improvements of decreased fatigue during exercise. Most patients are noticing visible results around three months post-treatment, and maintain results with a maintenance plan. Clinical studies have shown that results can continue to improve for up to six months.
Before and After Results for Emsculpt

What the differences are between Emsculpt and CoolSculpting?
Emsculpt and Coolsculpting both help patients eliminate fat through a series of non-invasive treatments. However, there are some major differences between the two. Firstly, Coolsculpting does not use HIFEM® technology as Emsculpt does, but rather works through a process called cryolipolysis. Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved treatment where a section of fat is placed between two cooling panels. Subdermal fat cells reach a freezing temperature which causes them to die and eventually be excreted naturally.
While both treatments help eliminate fat, only Emsculpt helps strengthen muscles, too. Emsculpt treatments are also faster, lasting roughly 30 minutes, while CoolSculpting treatments can take up to an hour. Coolsculpting patients can begin to see noticeable results starting at four weeks after the initial treatment. Emsculpt, on the other hand, typically requires four sessions, but patients often begin to see results immediately after their first treatment. Optimal results are typically seen at 12 weeks after the last Emsculpt treatment.
What’s Next?
Book a complimentary consultation with our knowledgeable medical aestheticians or consider joining our EMd Medical Gym Membership!
Why Become an EMd Gym Member?
Our EMd Medical Gym Membership – combines Emsculpt and Emsella for the ultimate gym less muscle building, body sculpting, and pelvic floor strengthening. For best results, Emsculpt typically requires 4 sessions over a two-week span, though most patients see results after their initial emsculpt session, and with this EmSculpt Gym, we are offering special extended access to our facilities with long-term programs that make your fitness goals a year-round reality.
Emsculpt Benefits:
Builds muscle AND kills fat
Achieves long-term results
Be in a safe and sterile environment
20,000 muscle contractions in each session
30-minute sessions
Non-invasive treatment
Works for stomach, buttocks, arms (triceps & biceps), thighs and calves
Designed for men and women
Emsella Benefits:
Treats urinary incontinence
Builds muscle AND kills fat
Achieves long-term results
Be in a safe and sterile environment
11,200 Kegel exercises in each session
28-minute sessions
Remain fully clothed, non-invasive treatment
Designed for men and women
Membership Benefits:
Treat multiple body parts and areas
Patient-tailored enhancement and toning treatments
Significant cost savings
Maintain results
Improved quality of life